Supporting Educators Through COVID

Many dedicated organizations and professionals are working diligently to provide information and resources to educators, students, and families. We’re maintaing a list of resources in an effort to help educators cope with the challenges of continuing to provide learning & support to students, families, teachers, and staff. There is also Covid-19 information at the Johns Hopkins University School of Education COVID-19 Curated Resources.

 Virtual Forums

Resources from our Virtual Forum Series, including videos, shared resources, and information on upcoming forums.

Supporting Students’ Social, Emotional, and Academic Development During COVID

In this video presentation, Dr. Robert Balfanz discusses ten evidence-based actions and action steps to help support students’ social, emotional, and academic development during the pandemic. Read more…

Virtual Event
Thursday, August 5

11:00 AM EST

How COVID Changed Education: What we need to know now and in coming years. A free virtual event open to the public presented by Johns Hopkins University COVID Resource Center. Learn more.

Coming Back Together

Resources & supports for educators planning for the 2020-21 school year.

Remote Learning

Find resources, activities and information on planning & implementing remote learning and communicating remotely with teams 

Keeping Students at the Center

Resources to help stay connected with students outside of the classroom.

Teaching & Learning

Resources on mindshifts, SEL, and educational strategies adopted by schools during the crisis.

Online Professional Development

Offers information about online professional development learning opportunities.

Lesson Learned

Resources on what schools have learned and what implments will be carried over into the new
school year.

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