Schools Start Here Series

Guides for ESSER Spending, Scheduling, and Staffing


The Schools Start Here series dives into the resource side of ESSER strategy and planning. These guides offer a blueprint for how to organize resources as part of a sustainable ESSER investment strategy — beginning with practical, “Do Now” starting points for what the 2021-22 school year could look like.

Each guide:

  • Details relevant research
  • Identifies system-level enabling conditions, policies, and practices that can help make this work successful
  • Highlights opportunities for sustainable investments
  • Makes recommendations for “Do Now” priorities
  • Provides concrete examples of scheduling and staffing models

 Explore Elementary Guides

 Explore High School Guides

The Schools Start Here series was developed and effered through ERS. ERS is a national non-profit that partners with district, school, and state leaders to transform how they use resources (people, time, and money) so that every school prepares every child for tomorrow, no matter their race or income.

Our work integrates data analysis, design and implementation. We start with an analysis of existing strategy and resource allocation in school systems mapped against best practice. We then focus on five resource-intensive areas of the strategic system as illustrated. Visit the ERS Website