Lanier HS

Vision Embracing the past, empowering the future. Mission To create characters of leadership and responsibility through educational accountability and real-world integrity. Core Values iCare Integrity (Honest, Trustworthiness) Do what is right, NOT wrong! Commitment...

Lessons Learned

Information on solutions educators nationwide are developing to face the ongoing challenges during COVID-19. Using recent graduates to strategically expand Americorps will help those still in school a commentary by Robert Balfanz published in The Baltimore Sun on June...

Virtual Forum

Virtual Forum for Cross State High School Redesign Schools: Seniors’ Postsecondary Pathways Recorded Live, April 16, 2020Everyone Graduates Center, Johns Hopkins University Ensuring this year’s seniors stay on track and graduate high school with a postsecondary...

Teaching & Learning

Resources for Teaching & Learning Summative Assessment in Distance Learning Whether schools are using regular grades or not, teachers need to accurately assess learning while their students are at home. This article features many helpful ideas to consider...

PD Info

Online Professional Development Opportunities 450 Ivy League Courses an extensive list of free online courses offered across multiple course platforms from Class Central...

Students at Center

Resources to help stay connected with students outside of the classroom. Re-engaging Disconnected Students Online and at School: Focus on Intrinsic Motivation from The Center for MH in Schools & Student/Learning Supports at UCLA. Download the PDF  Guiding...