Early Warning Systems Video Training Series

The Everyone Graduates Center at Johns Hopkins University School of Education produced and eight-part video training series in partnership with the New Mexico Public Education Department, and the High Plains Regional Education Cooperative.

The videos, materials, and activities are offered free-of-charge and designed to assist school teams in planning,
designing, implementing, and problem solving an Early Warning System.

The eight-part series includes:

  • Overview of an Early Warning System (Video 1)
  • Building a Data Culture (Video 2)
  • Linking Indicators to a Tiered Intervention System (Video 3)
  • Planning for Your School or District (Video 4)
  • Getting Started (Video 5)
  • Lessons Learned (Video 6)
  • Intervention Review & Data Gap Analysis (Video 7)
  • Introducing Early Warning System to School Faculty & Staff (Video 8)

We encourage you to watch and complete these activities with a representative team from your school that will be leading your Early Warning System implementation. 

The team could include:

  • At least one administrator
  • At least one teacher
  • A counselor
  • An individual who excels at using your student information system
  • And other school leaders or representatives 

Video 1: Early Warning System Overview

Video One offers an introduction and overview of an Early Warning System, functions, teams, and the Early Warning Indicators (EWI) meeting.
Estimated Module Time:
20-25 minutes
Video Running Time:
15 minutes

STEP ONE: Download Video Viewer’s Guide.

STEP TWO: Watch video and complete the activities.

STEP THREE: Watch Frontline Video and complete the team activity.

Video 2: Building a Data Culture

Video Two focuses on setting up EWS data systems including, background information on key pieces of data, suggestions for organizing the data, and recommendations for creating focus lists to help an EWS team respond.
Estimated Module Time:
20-25 minutes
Video Running Time:
20 minutes

STEP ONE: Download Video Viewer’s Guide.

STEP TWO: Watch video and complete the activities.


Video 3: Linking Indicators to a Tiered Intevention System

Video Three focuses on how to link indicators to a multi-level, tiered intervention system and explores effective interventions.
Estimated Module Time:
45-50 minutes
Video Running Time:
35 minutes

STEP ONE: Download Video Viewer’s Guide.

STEP TWO: Watch video and complete the activities.




Video 4: Planning for Your School or District

Video Four focuses on building an EWS team(s) in your school; analyzing data and examining trends; organizing and holding EWI meetings; and how to best develop actions plans.
Estimated Module Time:
30-35 minutes
Video Running Time:
20 minutes

STEP ONE: Download Video Viewer’s Guide.

STEP TWO: Watch video and complete the activities.



Video 5: Getting Started

Video five focuses on getting an EWS started, identifying a point person and team, lessons learned from early adopters, and ideas for further exploration and development.
Estimated Module Time:
15-20 minutes
Video Running Time:
12 minutes

STEP ONE: Download Video Viewer’s Guide.

STEP TWO: Watch video and complete the activities.


Video 6: Lessons Learned

The sixth video examines insights and lessons learned from successful Early Warning Systems adopters. The video shares a few trends that have arisen and examples of how they have been addressed by different school throughout the nation.
Estimated Module Time:
20 minutes
Video Running Time:
20 minutes

NOTE: There is no Viewer’s Guide for this video.


Video 7: Intervention Review & Data Gap Analysis

The seventh video focuses on interventions, which we are describing here as the supports and activities that are being completed for a particular student or group of students. The videos also examines how school teams can collect data on the interventions that have been implemented and engage in a regular review process to identify gaps, align interventions, examine impacts and ultimately improve the supports that are being provided to students.
Estimated Module Time:
15-20 minutes
Video Running Time:
12 minutes

STEP ONE: Download Video Viewer’s Guide.

STEP TWO: Watch video and complete the activities.


Video 8: Introducing EWS to School Faculty & Staff

This final video of the eight-part series focuses on successful EWS implementation that relies upon a multi-level support structure with the whole school being organized to support students’ success in Attendance, Behavior and Course Performance. This can range from the organizational structure, the safety of students in hallways, to the type of learning that students are engaged in during their courses and must be designed particular to the students in your school.
Estimated Module Time:
12 minutes
Video Running Time:
120 minutes


 NOTE: There is no Viewer’s Guide for this video